Quick Guide to Edgar

These instructions assume that you have loaded Edgar following the instructions provided in the download materials. They assume that you are running Windows95.
  1. From Windows95, find the icon "MS-DOS Prompt", and double-click on that icon. (you might need to use the "Find" tool in the bottom left-hand corner of your monitor!)
  2. Type: "cd ../duxbury". Don't type the quotes. Make sure you have a SPACE between the "cd" (which means "change directory") and the two dots.
  3. type "edgar xxxxxx.brf", where "xxxxxx" is not a very pornographic store, but the name you want to use to save your file. For example, "rrgS6.brf" for Robert R. Gotwals Session 6 BRaille File.
  4. You should now have a screen of blank 6-dot cells. If you do not, type "Alt-S" (hold down the "Alt" key with your left hand, hit the "S" key with your right).
  5. use the "f-d-s-j-k-l" keys for the "1-2-3-4-5-6" keys, respectively. If this is your first file, try typing one key at a time, then try two at a time, etc., until you get the sense of what it is doing!
  6. To save your file, simply exit from the program. Use "Alt-x" to save and exit. You can also use "Alt-w" to save your work without quitting the program.
  7. the most useful keystrokes to know are the "help" keystrokes, "Alt-h". Doing this provides you with a menu of options for you to try. Most of them you will not need.