(Table 14)

(The subject of Organ Pedalling is treated in Section 21.)

14.1. Fingering is placed immediately after the note or interval to which it belongs, and must not be separated from it by any other sign. (If the note is dotted, the fingering is, of course, placed after the dot or dots.)

14.2. A change of fingers on one note or interval is shown by placing the sign C between the two finger signs.
Example 14.2-1.

"?.?KCA;?.?ACK "Y<K

14.3. When a finger plays two adjacent notes together it must be marked after both notes or intervals.
Example 14.3-1.


14.4. Alternative fingerings are indicated by placing the two finger signs after the note or interval. The order in which these signs are written is immaterial, but once that order is established, it must be strictly maintained to avoid any possibility of confusion.

14.4.1. If in such a passage one of the fingerings is omitted for any note or notes, its place must be filled by dot 6 for the first fingering, and by dot 3 for the second fingering.

Example 14.4.1-1.


Example 14.4.1-2.

2%"HBAIA'J ?L1<K

14.4.2. If more than two fingerings are given, the passage must be rewritten for each fingering, using the in-accord sign.

(See also Par. 17.5 (Example 17.5-1).)

(See Par. 8.7.5 for a warning against the use of doubled intervals in fingered music.)