Title Pages

19.1. (11-97) To facilitate the international exchange of music transcriptions, all title pages must be written in uncontracted braille. This includes, title, composer, publisher, and all other information that appears on the title page.

19.2. The format of the score used in the braille transcription must be clearly stated on the title page, thus:
Method: Bar-over-Bar

Method: Section-by-Section


19.3. The showing of print pagination, together with related turnovers, is mandatory in facsimile transcription; otherwise, it is generally advisable, especially in any ensemble music, or in accompanied solo pieces. When it is shown, the print page number is indicated at the upper left margin of every braille page, and this applies to both sides of the page in interpoint braille. When music from two or more pages is included in one braille page, the inclusive print page numbers are given. The two numerals (showing the first and last print pages to be represented) are separated by a hyphen, with the pagination sign (dots 5, 25) introducing the device, and one numeral sign serving both numbers. Except on the top line of a braille page where three spaces are necessary, the pagination device is followed by at least one space, whether one or more numbers are shown. A turnover indicating page 10, and a print pagination indicating pages 9-11, would be brailled as follows.
Example 19.3-1.

19.3.1 The running braille page number appears at the right margin of the top line, and the running title is centered between the two page indications. If, after all efforts to condense it, the running title cannot be fitted in between page numbers, the inclusive print pagination is moved down to the beginning of the second line. The remainder of the line should be left blank.

The turnover should be written where it occurs in the music, between spaces. If the braille page encompasses portions of more than two print pages, the turnover sign should be followed immediately by the appropriate page number at the point of each page change. In keyboard or other multi-lineal format, the turnover must be shown in each line. In vocal music, each turnover (including prefix and page number) should appear only in the music line(s). Print pagination and turnovers should be shown in the accompaniment, too. If a song spans two facing pages in print, the inclusive pagination is shown as specified above.

19.4. In anthologies where pieces have individual copyrights, the copyright information is placed at the end of each selection after a blank line.

19.5. The tabulation of the directions for style and pace (including the metronome indications) and the key and time signatures is somewhat different in braille from that in print, the general practice being one of the following:
Example 19.5-1.
the text following in the next line in each case.

Metronome Markings

19.6. The metronome indication in braille is an imitation of print usage. The note-value (of indefinite pitch in the print) is written as C in the required value; the "equals" sign (two short parallel lines) is represented by the sign 7 , and the metronome number is written with the numeral prefix.

Example 19.6-1.
N7#HJ ?7#GB ?'7N

The order is occasionally varied in print, the number being given before the note, and this practice must be reproduced in the braille text.

The metronome mark is usually placed between the words of direction and the key and time signatures, and if the complete heading occupies more than one braille line, the metronome indication (with or without the key and time signatures, see specimen in Par. 19.5-19.6 above) must be centered on a separate line.

Where the word "circa" (or its equivalent in any language) occurs, it should be placed before the metronome mark, whatever may be done in the print, thus:
Example 19.6.1-1.


19.7. All footnotes to music are placed at the bottom of the page, introduced by an asterisk, and separated from the music by a line composed of a series of dots 25.

19.8. Where a musical error of any kind is encountered in the print copy, the defective measure, preceded by a music asterisk, should be brailled exactly as shown in the print. At the bottom of the page, a transcriber's note should point out the nature of the irregularity.